Pontoonier’s 1885 Italian Colonial Infantry Get Ready To Do Battle
January 3, 2025 by brennon
Continuing from the release of the Ethiopians from Pontoonier Miniatures last month, Badger Games has added the Italian Colonial Infantry into the mix in 28mm scale so you can refight the battles from 1885 to 1889.
1885 Italian Line Infantry Command I // Pontoonier Miniatures
These new 28mm Italians come in their white uniforms that were worn during the invasion of Eretria and their defeat by the Ethiopians later at Dogali in 1887. This then leads into the aforementioned campaigns and battles that played out through 1887-1889. There are a couple of new Command sets for you to choose from.
1885 Italian Line Infantry Command II // Pontoonier Miniatures
The miniatures that you see here were sculpted by Phil Murphy and were then painted by Paul Baker for display. You've got lots of nice poses to choose from and, as discussed when I talked about the Ethiopians, it would be fascinating to play out a different war than the ones that we're so used to seeing on the tabletop.
1885 Italian Line Infantry Advancing // Pontoonier Miniatures
In addition to the two Command sets, you can get your Italian Line Infantry advancing (above) but also skirmishing if you prefer. This gives you a good core set of miniatures for making the main fighting forces that would have been active at the time.
Italian Colonial Infantry // Pontoonier Miniatures
I suppose the real question would be concerning which set of rules you'd use to fight out this clash between the Italians and the Ethiopians. Could Blood & Steel work quite well? Let me know your thoughts in the comments down below.
Could you be tempted by some Italian miniatures in their shiny white uniforms?
"...which set of rules you'd use to fight out this clash between the Italians and the Ethiopians?"
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Painting white! 8)
Foundry’s Austrian white triad is my friend.
Or I wish that Foundry’s Austrian white triad was my friend.
Wargames Atlantic digital do print files gor both sides of this campaign if you need Ethiopians. It didn’t go well for the Italian forces. The men who would be King’s would work. Blood and steel is a bit limited with its force lists. Could do with an expansion to cover more conflicts but it’s good to see another none British colonial mess up