Take To The Seas & Plunder In Upcoming Dominion Expansion

September 1, 2022 by fcostin

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Rio Grande Games have announced their upcoming expansion which will head to the classic deck-building title Dominion. As players strive to keep their hand a secret to reap in the victory points, players are set to receive a loot-heavy expansion with a huge stack of cards to pair.

Dominion Plunder - Rio Grande Games

Dominion: Plunder // Rio Grande Games

Dominion: Plunder will be making its way to retail soon, taking players to a new environment for some sea-bound scuffles.

"There are red skies tonight, so they'll be making a batch of Sailor's Delight, which you understand to have tuna fish in it. And soon you'll be attacking merchant ships and taking their treasure. But the real treasure is the happy memories you'll be making." - Rio Grande Games

You will be hoping to take down roaming merchant ships and players are planning to plunder all of their rightfully earned booty in an effort to achieve victory.

Game Components - Dominion Second Edition

Game Components // Dominion: Second Edition

Dominion has been around for over fifteen years now and since its 2008 release, players have made their way through fourteen different expansions. Now with the fifteenth to head to the mass market, players will gain a serious stack of 500 different cards to show off in a new environment. This includes forty new Kingdom cards and hoards of coveted Treasures and Durations plus additional loot to tally to the end-game total.

The expansion is set to be released this year and is still marked as "coming soon" on the Rio Grande Games website. So, if you are looking to add some swashbuckling activities to your deck-building adventures of Dominion, be sure to check out the upcoming expansion, Plunder.

Are you tempted to add Plunder to your game of Dominion?

"You will be hoping to take down roaming merchant ships and players are planning to plunder all of their rightfully earned booty in an effort to achieve victory..."

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