Perry Miniatures Releases Support Troops For The Fallschirmjager

July 23, 2015 by stvitusdancern

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Every good soldier needs a little support once in awhile especially when it is tough going. Perry Miniatures has heard that call and has released in 28mm some Fallschrimjager Support Troops.

German Fallschrimjager Support Troops

German Fallschrimjager MG34 Troops

In the first  set you get a 50mm mortar team, a sniper team and an anti-tank rifle team. In the second set there is several different poses for an MG34 team. As always the sculpts are very clean and detailed and would make a great addition to any 28mm German Fallshrimjager Army.

Do you play the elite German paratroopers?

"very good soldier needs a little support once in awhile..."

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