Unmissable “Pay What You Want” 3D Printing Kickstarters!

February 4, 2022 by fcostin

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Quite recently I have entered a new hobby spanning off from my hobby. And that's 3D printing! At the back end of last year, I purchased an Elegoo Saturn; in hopes of printing terrain for my own personal gaming tables and dioramas to get stuck into creatively.

Key Oapas - Hobbit Holes

Hobbit Holes // Key Capas

After printing mushroom after mushroom, tree after tree I was getting so many ideas of what I would love to print. And you can for sure count on it that there is an STL file out there somewhere! But before I knew it, that little £ 1.99s for a set of bases, £5.99 for scatter terrain all adds up.

As a long-term Kickstarter lurker, I had always seen STL files up but never really explored them deeper simply because I didn't have a printer. But now explore each link further - I find myself finding some truly unmissable files for unbelievable prices.

Here, I have handpicked some campaigns that truly made my eyes sparkle, showcasing 'Pay What You Want' STL files. What this means is that the creator will leave it up to you to input how much you want to pay. This starts at as little as $1 per campaign (or the converted equivalent), but if you wanted to pay more to support the creator - you can input the amount you desire.

Plus, the fact that these campaigns are only providing STL Files, you can bet that it'll be a quick turnaround for you to receive your files after the countdown has stopped.

Of course, I would start the list off with some hobbit holes. Looking to recreate a quaint and prospering Shire? Key Capas is currently running their very first 'Pay What You Want'. The campaign contains five different Hobbit Hole doors, one of which can be turned into a back door... or a smaller entrance to something a little more adorable.

Build for 28mm scale tabletop gaming, if you do wish to print these in a smaller scale or blow them up a bit for some dioramas, they can always be scaled up/down for your printer. The ones in the image have been printed with an FDM printer with a 0.4 nozzle.

Painted and Printed Hobbit Hole - Key Capas

Painted and Printed Hobbit Hole Preview // Key Capas

That's the best thing about constructing halfling homes, the house itself is the mount in the hill. All that's needed is an entrance. Five of these and you have yourself a small town.

The Kickstarter campaign has 12 days left on the clock, with pledges starting at as little as $1!

Swamp Manor! - Koval Liudmila

Swamp Manor! // Stoneaxe Miniatures

Thinking about building a well-used swamp for your next campaign in Saga? A desolate Laketown to embed in your next journey into Frostgrave? Stoneaxe Miniatures are back with the second part of their campaign for their Swamp Hideaway series. If you are pledging you will be pledging for the two-storey Manor, however, there are a ton of stretch goals added including a pier, sloop and barrels.

Swamp Manor - With Stretch Goals

Swamp Manor With Stretch Goals // Stoneaxe Miniatures

There is a wealth of files in this campaign! Starting at $1, Stoneaxe are hoping to grow their audience with this awesome bundle of files. And what's adorable, are the 'Otters & Their Den' Stretch Goal at 1.2K, adding these adorable mammals to the mix, and life to your table. There are nine days left, so if you are pondering, you will be sure to find all of the files on their My Mini Factory once the campaign has been completed.

Fantasy House -Caledonia Miniature

Fantasy House // Caledonia Miniatures

In need of a Wizard's Tower for your next RPG? Caledonia Miniatures have supplied many different fantasy structures, starting at as little as $1. If you are just after the Small Tower, you can pitch into the lowest pledge. However, if you wanted to get your hands on more than one structure, you can get your hands on the Small Tower, the Big Tower, and the Tree Stump House for as little as $15.

There are 10 days left on this campaign, with the three fantasy structures. However, if you did want to check out more from Caledonia Miniatures, be sure to take a look at their Gumroad page for more fantasy, and even some sci-fi tanks.

Medieval Barons House - Crate3d

Medieval Baron's House // Crate3d

The Medieval Baron's House is live on Kickstarter for the next six days, and you can get your hands on a two-storey structure for the "Pay What You Want" pledge, or if you want to pick up a few more files from the same town: The Medieval Manor and the Elstons Keep for as little as £9!  Perfect dwellings for the Sheriff of Nottingham in my eyes, or to be slotted into fantasy town to keep the law housed in a fortified structure.

Printable Coins - Yann Dubois

Printable Coins // Yann Dubois

And the final campaign that caught my eye, is to help us tabletop gamers keep track of whatever is in front of us. With a wealth of different 3d-printable coins to add to any tabletop title. Each coin is 25x25x3mm, containing a set of 30 different pieces. You will find resource tokens, damage tokens, numbered tokens and many other different symbols to adopt into your game.

My cat Pascal loves to steal cardboard tokens for his own devilish reasons! Once I swapped out my tokens for printed ones, he seemed to leave them alone. It is always great to have a file for your tokens, that way if any decides to grow legs or get stolen by the metaphorical goblins (misplaced them and they disappear into the ether), more can always be printed. And even painted to match your game out in play.

Campaign Rewards - Printable Coins

Campaign Rewards // Printable Coins

There are several different levels of rewards and stretch goals, adding more designs for coins each time a goal is unlocked. There are 19 days left on the clock, so if you wanted to nab some new coins for your tabletop adventures - be sure to take a look at this 'Pay What You Want' campaign from Yann Dubois.

These campaigns are a wonderful way to dip into Kickstarter. You get to support some smaller companies for their incredible files created, to add to your own personal library of STLs. There are always a ton of these 'Pay What You Want' campaigns up on Kickstarter, some shorter campaigns and some longer. With a quick turnaround, without breaking the bank, you'll be sure to find something on your table with the chance to pay the designer with whatever donation you see fit.

What 'Pay What You Want' campaign has caught your eye? 

"You get to support some smaller companies for their incredible files created, to add to your own personal library of STLs..."

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