Para Bellum Wargames Unleash Their Mimetic Assassin

December 14, 2018 by brennon

The folks at Para Bellum Wargames have been working away on some more creatures and creations for The Spire and one of the latest previews is the Mimetic Assassin.

Mimetic Assassin - Para Bellum Wargames

This strange creature is used to stealth its way through the massed, heaving, ranks of battle or the dark streets of a city to take out targets.

It can shift and warp its body, coated in strange and bladed bony protrusions and take on the form of many different types of humanoid. Then, it will close with its targets before slicing and dicing them.

This is an awesome model, showing off what they can do with the background of this faction when it comes to designing some very out there characters. I like the dynamic feel of it, leaping through a battlefield to take out its intended target.

Will you be picking this up?

"It can shift and warp its body, coated in strange and bladed bony protrusions and take on the form of many different types of humanoid..."

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