Ride With Ontos Games’ Röknauts Into Oldhammer Scuffles

August 7, 2024 by brennon

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Ontos Games' Curis is back with another instalment in the Roknaut Revolution. This time around, the Rokanuts are getting themselves some Space Dwarf Bikers so you can hare around the battlefield, blasting those foes that call you squat.

Roknauts Space Dwarf Bikers - Ontos Games

Roknauts Space Dwarf Bikers Kickstarter // Ontos Games

Building on the concept of the Roknauts from previous campaigns, the new miniatures continue with that vibe and bring us some 1990s Oldhammer goodness in vehicle form. The Space Dwarf Bikers are led by their Týrstorm Biker Rökthane, signified by his winged helmet which is classically Dwarfen.

Tyrstorm Biker Rokthane - Ontos Games

Tyrstorm Biker Rokthane // Ontos Games

The set also comes with two additional bikers, the Týrstorm Biker Trooper, who will be rolling over those lovely Goblin Green bases with guns blazing. All of these miniatures are produced in high-quality resin and as you can see, they are looking very, very nice indeed.

Tyrstorm Biker Trooper - Ontos Games

Tyrstorm Biker Trooper // Ontos Games

More squads of these bikers can be added into the mix as part of the Pledge Manager later on down the line. I think these capture the look of the original Squats from Warhammer 40,000 really nicely but also feature plenty of modern tweaks. They capture the essence of Oldhammer.

New Infantry Options

As well as the new bikers, you can also get your hands on a new Infantry set for use with your Rökthane army. They are led by the impressive Rökthane Charnock Echogeld.

Rokthane Charnock Echogeld - Ontos Games

Rokthane Charnock Echogeld // Ontos Games

She is armed with a brutal icebreaker frostaxe and her binar-blaster (all of these words conjure up such nostalgic memories of diving into Warhammer back in the day). She comes backed up by a band of Röknaut Trooper With Wyrmboltr Rifle.

Roknaut Trooper With Wyrmboltr Rifle - Ontos Games

Roknaut Trooper With Wyrmboltr Rifle // Ontos Games

Again, all of these miniatures are produced in high-quality resin and there are no digital options here. It's all physical miniatures for those looking to enhance their Oldhammer-style armies for whatever game takes your fancy.

Last but not least we have the Roknaut Trooper With Plasmic Destructor who is going to turn some enemy vehicles into slag.

Roknaut Trooper With Plasmic Destructor - Ontos Games

Roknaut Trooper With Plasmic Destructor // Ontos Games

You can pledge for the Bikers and then add on the new Troopers. They are all in classic 28mm scale so they should match up to other Oldhammer miniatures. They also look nice which is another good reason to dive in and pick these up!

The Kickstarter campaign only has a couple of days left so if you're excited by the idea of a Roknaut army, you might want to dive in and scoop these up! If you missed out on the Roknauts in the past, you can get some of them from the Ontos Games Website!

What do you make of these new Space Dwarfs?

"If you missed out on the Roknauts in the past, you can get some of them from the Ontos Games Website!"

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