One Day Left For Ascending Fate Gamefound Campaign!

August 20, 2024 by brennon

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Ascending Fate, the brand new Sci-Fi skirmish game from Freebooter Miniatures, is closing in on the final day of its Gamefound campaign. With that in mind, there's still time to join in and get your hands on the game alongside some awesome Stretch Goals.

Stretchgoals Unlocked - Ascending Fate

Stretch Goals Unlocked // Ascending Fate

Ascending Fate Gamefound Campaign // Freebooter Miniatures

Throughout the campaign, a series of Stretch Goals have been hit which have unlocked bonus content for different pledge levels. Many of these have been added to both the Crew and Commander Pledges whilst others were unlocked to be chosen as Add-Ons which can bolted onto your pledge.

Some of the Stretch Goals are just nice quality-of-life elements. Some new event cards and scenarios have been added to the set as well as some great cardboard terrain that can give you a bit of cover from incoming fire!

The best Stretch Goals however are for the various iconic characters that got added into the mix for each faction. These characters are available for a Crew Pledge if you picked the appropriate faction or as part of the Commander Pledge since that comes with all of the various Faction Starters.

Kalani - Ascending Fate

Kalani // Ascending Fate

Kalani leads the way for the An Dan, leaping over a bit of twisted metal in search of her next target. The second of the characters to be unlocked was for the Arvinger (my faction of choice) with a drinking horn at the ready to toast the valiant dead.

Rautt - Ascending Fate

Rautt // Ascending Fate

The other two factions in the game weren't to be left out either. The Komplex got their hands on the striking form of Leopold who has a metallic moustache which makes him even more impressive!

Leopold - Ascending Fate

Leopold // Ascending Fate

Last but not least, we have RepDugg for those playing as the Murfs. He lives his life now as a symbiotic lifeform. I sense that he might be out to get the corporation that left him for dead after his workplace accident. He was given the wrong type of ladder.

RepDugg - Ascending Fate

RepDugg // Ascending Fate

All of these characters will be available exclusively as part of this Gamefound campaign but will also be available at tradeshows and conventions once the game is out in the wild. So, this is a great place for you to get your hands on the new miniatures before they become a little rarer to get your hands on.

It is well worth checking out our article about Ascending Fate HERE which talks about the game in more detail. If these Stretch Goals have tipped you over the edge into pledging, make sure to head on over and check out the campaign!

Which faction would you pick for Ascending Fate?

"If these Stretch Goals have tipped you over the edge into pledging, make sure to head on over and check out the campaign!"

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