Grab Oldhammer Space Ogres & Frogmen From Red Bard Games

June 25, 2024 by brennon

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Red Bard Games has added some brand new Oldhammer miniatures into the mix for your Sci-Fi and Sci-Fantasy wargames. Some ace 28mm miniatures are on the way focused on both Space Ogres and wonderful Frogmen!

Space Fantasy Kickstarter - Red Bard Games

Space Fantasy Kickstarter // Red Bard Games

Leading the way are the brand-new Space Ogres who could be awesome as a faction in their own right in a skirmish game or as mercenaries alongside their human (or alien) companions. I guess it would depend who pays more!

Space Ogres - Red Bard Games

Space Ogres // Red Bard Games

This set gives you a good selection of burly killers including a Leader, Brute and Punk. The five miniatures have been sculpted in that awesome Oldhammer style and would fit with miniatures from the 80s and 90s. They look like a solid squad to just slot into your games.

Going in an entirely different direction, we also have these gorgeous Frogmen Warriors. It should be noted that all of the miniatures you see here are supplied in high-quality 3D Printed resin. Gerry has some of their previous releases and they are spot on!

Frogmen Warrriors - Red Bard Games

Frogmen Warriors // Red Bard Games

You can get yourself a full Warriors unit that would be great for slotting into your army as a unit, armed with archaic weapons that will no doubt turn you into stardust. Embrace that proper Oldhammer vibe and bring something Slannish to the battlefield. I was trying to work out what army these would "count as" in something like Warhammer 40,000 and I'm still pondering.

You can also get yourself some more elite soldiers with the Frogmen Guards. These fellows are armed with more powerful ranged weapons.

Frogmen Guards - Red Bard Games

Frogmen Guards // Red Bard Games

You get some heavy weapons in the unit for blasting tanks and other stranger weapons. As a fun fact, the Frogmen come with interchangeable heads and can be posed in different ways to get more out of the unit.

There are some freebies for getting involved with the campaign PLUS Red Bard Games has also added in some great Stretch Goals which you can bolt onto your pledges.

Space Fantasy Stretch Goals - Red Bard Games

Space Fantasy Stretch Goals // Red Bard Games

You can get some great leader miniatures for the Ogres and Frogmen plus alternative vehicles and characters to slot in with your Space Dwarfs. A brilliant selection of Oldhammer miniatures that have nailed that old-school vibe whilst also embracing modern sculpting techniques to make them gorgeous!

What do you make of Red Bard Games' latest selection of Kickstarter miniatures?

"A brilliant selection of Oldhammer miniatures that have nailed that old-school vibe..."

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