Lead The Way With New Pike & Shotte Characters From Warlord

June 25, 2024 by brennon

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Warlord Games has released a new set of Pike & Shotte characters for use in your English Civil War (and the Thirty Years' War) clashes on the tabletop. These 28mm miniatures all come in metal and cover a range of characters from all sides of the conflict.

Baron Hopton - Pike & Shotte

Baron Hopton // Pike & Shotte

Leading the way, we have Baron Hopton who was appointed Lieutenant-General of the West by the King. He achieved acclaim during the 1643 battles of Stratton Hill, Lansdown Hill and Roundway Down but was badly wounded by an explosion of an ammunition cart in Lansdown. He fought alongside William Waller (see below) but then battled against him during the English Civil War and was eventually beaten at Torrington in 1646.

Talking of Sir William Waller, we have a miniature for him too so you can play out the clashes between him and Baron Hopton.

Sir William Waller - Pike & Shotte

Sir William Waller // Pike & Shotte

Where Hopton fought for the King and the Royalists, Waller joined forces with the Parliamentary cause. He made something of a name of himself at Cheriton in 1649 when his success proved the quality of the Roundhead cavalry. He would then go on to fight at Cropredy Bridge where his army was brutally battered but continued to fight for the Parliamentary cause until the New Model Army grew into its own.

We now turn our attention to Lord Astley!

Lord Astley - Pike & Shotte

Lord Astley // Pike & Shotte

Lord Astley served as a soldier within the armies of Denmark and the Low Countries and then fought during the Bishops' Wars against Scotland. I need to find out more about that one. He would then join the Royalists and command the infantry at the likes of Naseby. He has quite a good quote that Warlord Games picked out...

"After surrendering the army, he sat upon a drum at the market cross in Stow and said to his captors, “You have now done your work and may go and play unless you fall out amongst yourselves.”"

Sounds very he had a very good handle on the squabbles that break out amongst those who seize power, for good or ill. Another great excuse for playing out a specific battle or two with your Pike & Shotte armies. I hope you're never going to give him up or indeed let him down.

Now, we turn to the French and see what they have to offer with Louis de Bourbon.

Louis de Bourbon - Pike & Shotte

Louis de Bourbon // Pike & Shotte

de Bourdon is a great option for those wanting to delve into the Thirty Years' War period and the rest of the fighting taking part during this period over on the continent. He had a particularly decorated career and fought in many, many battles. He is one of those rare folks who was able to retire from the military and become something of a national hero. Make sure to read more about him over on the Warlord Games webstore.

Last but not least from the new Pike & Shotte range, we have Christian IV of Denmark.

Christian IV Of Denmark - Pike & Shotte

Christian IV Of Denmark // Pike & Shotte

Christian IV was a drinker and gambler, had poor political skills and liked burning witches. Is he from The Old World? He was also driven and ambitious and a very popular Danish king. Yep, he is from Warhammer. He took a large part in the Thirty Years' War and all of the scuffles in the North of Europe, especially considering the clashes between his kingdoms of Denmark and Norway and the threat of the Swedish. Another fascinating character for you to follow the career of.

Will you be scooping up these new characters?

"Christian IV was a drinker and gambler, had poor political skills and liked burning witches. Is he from The Old World?"

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