New Oathmark Orc Heavy Infantry Plastic Kit Coming Soon

August 5, 2024 by brennon

North Star Military Figures are soon going to be taking pre-orders for a new plastic kit for Oathmark: Battles Of The Lost Age. 28mm Fantasy Orc Heavy Infantry are on the way with pre-orders launching very soon.

Orc Heavy Infantry - Oathmark

Orc Heavy Infantry // Oathmark

As always with the Oathmark plastic sets, they come full of plastic miniatures for building big regiments for use in Oathmark and beyond. You'll have a selection of options to choose from when it comes to arming your Orcs with the likes of hand weapons, shields and great weapons.

Orc Heavy Infantry - Hand Weapons & Shields - Oathmark

Orc Heavy Infantry - Hand Weapons & Shields // Oathmark

These two preview units were painted by Artmaster Studio and they show off the variety of heads, bodies, weapons and more that you get as part of the set. The Orc Heavy Infantry have a good "generic" Fantasy look to them that should allow them to fit into a multitude of different armies alongside other ranges.

Orc Heavy Infantry - Great Weapons - Oathmark

Orc Heavy Infantry - Great Weapons // Oathmark

I quite like the look of the Orc Heavy Infantry with the great weapons. It's always neat seeing the Tolkienesque vibe that you get amongst the plastic range for Oathmark and I hope these will get folks considering building new armies and kingdoms for Oathmark.

The Orc Heavy Infantry will be accompanied by a set of metal Orc miniatures for you to use as commanders.

Orc Heavy Infantry Characters - Oathmark

Orc Heavy Infantry Characters // Oathmark

You get a couple of new leader figures that could be used as Champions within your units, armed with a suite of brutal weapons. I like the fellow on the far left and the chap in the middle with the two heads that he has recently chopped off with that big sword.

Could you be tempted by these new Orc Heavy Infantry or those metal Orc miniatures?

"The Orc Heavy Infantry will be accompanied by a set of metal Orc miniatures for you to use as commanders..."

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