New Aliens Counterblast Their Way To Victory From Bombshell

February 10, 2023 by avernos

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Bombshell Miniatures do amazing work and one of their big ranges, Counterblast Adventures, is getting a revamp as they make the switch over from metal cast miniatures to 3D printing their own resins. As this work continues they have been replacing older sculpts and adding new to the range and this month sees some creeping evil join the ranks.


Neiran Proletarians // Bombshell Miniatures

Universally male, the working class of the Neiran Empire has its own history, traditions, and hierarchy apart from and completely subordinate to the warrior elite. These males are responsible for essentially all skilled labour in the Empire, and the most successful of them gain the status of ‘merchant’. A merchant is a male who brokers, trades, or arbitrates anything, including politics, so a merchant could be anything from a businessman to an ambassador.


Destroys Nulls

Destroys Nulls earned a reputation for ruthlessness very early in its development, dispensing violence to nulls, what the Edo call non-psifers, with an implacable delight. Few Edofleini doubt it will fail to become an Undermind. Larger than most of its peers, Destroys Nulls has already begun to employ its psionic power of telekinesis to assist with its movement. Its strong tentacles contain deadly poisonous barbs.


Edo Spawnlings

The most commonly seen ‘true’ Edo, underlings are smaller molluscs appearing much like miniature versions of Edo Primelings. Armed with Arc weapons and possessing lesser, but still potent psychic powers, underlings are relied upon to supplement the Prime’s command and expertise in the field. Spawnlings are the most basic, and freshly-created, versions of underlings.

Major Johnathan

After traumatic experiences during World War II, Major Johnathan has returned home to discover strange and unexpected supernatural occurrences in his hometown.

Detective Judy

Judy's life was perfectly normal until strange and supernatural occurrences forced her to investigate the secrets of her hometown. I really like Jonathan and Judy. After the intergalactic weirdness of the Neirans and Edofleini they have a down-to-earth look and are very restrained. While Bombshell can go over the top or cartoonish on occasion I appreciate that they also throttle back when they have to.

Overall it's a terrific set of miniatures that will fit into so many games and if you're a fan of the old Saturday morning serials of yesteryear these should tick all the boxes. Right I'm off to work out what games I can use space cephalopods in.

Counterblast for Savage Worlds

Counterblast is a crew-level adventure in a retro atomic raypunk setting. Players control crews of pulp sci-fi heroes plying the spaceways in search of uncharted worlds, alien artefacts, new territory for colonization, and essential deposits of ultonium. If you are interested in taking the adventures further you can sign up on the link above to be notified when the RPG campaign launches on Kickstarter, using the Savage Worlds system you can take to the stars in rocket ships to explore a new range of worlds and tell new stories in the age of the atom!

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