More Heraldic Waterslide Decals From Carthage Must Be Destroyed

August 5, 2022 by avernos

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In between painting up armies for Clash of Spears and Bolt Action Carthage Must Be Destroyed found time to run a Kickstarter for waterslide transfers that included squirrels, which was obviously magnificent. Now they are back for a second campaign and this time around they're expanding their heraldry. This campaign will be used to fund sheets containing plants, humans, man-made objects and weapons, and other popular symbols.

Sheet 1 - Human and Siege Sheet

In the first project, they only used four colours, but this time around they have also included new colours: browns and greens for roots and plants and grey for fortresses, armour and weapons. Finally, he's also put in a simple tan skin colour for the human part of the decal sheets. This greatly increases the variety of the decals and for some like the roses, I think that they in particular benefit from the expansion of the palette.

Sheet 2 - Nature and Astronomy Sheet

In regards to heraldry used in this campaign, there is a wonderful book that was written in the early part of the 20th century that covers a whole lot of what heraldry is exactly, how it was used, and gives various examples of how heraldry was displayed. The book, A COMPLETE GUIDE TO HERALDRY by Arthur Charles Fox-Davies (with illustrations by Graham Johnston) has been used to draw the images from. They then traced, touched up, and vectored the images before colouring them to remove pixelation and ensure a good print.

 Sheet 4 - Red and Yellow Cross Sheet

The stretch goals for the project have already been reached, offering two sheets of many types of crosses found across Europe during the Dark Ages, medieval and Renaissance periods, as well as modern times. These are available as a black and white or a red and yellow sheet.

In the first campaign the images were intended to be used for a knight, with each one reproduced nine times on a line, the idea being one for the shield and then a pair for the left and right-hand sides of a horse's caparison. This time around the reversed images have been removed and the sheets increased slightly to give two sets of five in a row, with some being reproduced at a smaller scale in triplicate.

All that number crunching means that the sheets have a minimum of 180 transfers for the crosses and 320 when you look at the Nature and Astronomy Sheet!! It is definitely, worth the price of admission, I backed the first Kickstarter and I'm backing this one as well, the quality is excellent and the range is terrific for a host of periods from the ancients to the Renaissance, or Pannithor to the Old World they're worth the investment.

On and if you're after a squirrel you can find the original sheets over on their etsy shop!

"I backed the first Kickstarter and I'm backing this one as well, the quality is excellent and the range is terrific for a host of periods from ancients to the renaissance, or Pannithor to the Old World they're worth the investment."

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