Meet More Ascending Fate Factions Coming Soon To Gamefound

July 30, 2024 by brennon

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Freebooter Miniatures are closing in on the launch of their new Gamefound campaign for Ascending Fate. With that in mind, we got to check out more of the factions coming to this Sci-Fi skirmish game that has some serious Guardians Of The Galaxy and Firefly vibes.

Murfs - Ascending Fate

Murfs // Ascending Fate

Check Out Ascending Fate On Gamefound

Leading the way, we have the Murfs. These might well be my favourite faction at the moment although a contender is coming up later. The Murfs were/are labour mutants but they have managed to fight for their rights and they are now fiercely defending them. If that means getting stuck into a scrap or two then that's what they'll do!

As well as the Murfs, we also got a look at the other content for my favourite faction, the Arvinger.

Arvinger - Ascending Fate

Arvinger // Ascending Fate

Sci-Fi techno-barbarians and Viking badassery come together with body modifications and some kick-ass weapons as part of this faction. Powering through space in small fleets and as part of encampments, The Arvinger seem like an awesome idea and I do like the vibe of space raiders with a Viking theme coming to rob all your stuff. I wonder if there are space monasteries in Ascending Fate?

We also got a look at some more of the background around a couple of the factions that will be leading the way. These Mercenaries come in two different sets with both Gordon's Crew...

Mercenaries - Gordons Crew - Ascending Fate

Mercenaries - Gordon's Crew // Ascending Fate

...and Natalie's Crew. Both of these sets come as part of the starter set for Ascending Fate and give you an awesome mix of different characters to choose from with very different vibes and aesthetics. The other crews will be available as separate faction boxes which can be bolted on.

Mercenaries - Natalies Crew - Ascending Fate

Mercenaries - Natalie's Crew // Ascending Fate

Make sure to keep an eye out for more from Ascending Fate this week as we dive deeper into the game, the factions, the campaign and what else Freebooters have for you. I already like the factions and the miniatures for those factions so as long as the rules really click, I'll be getting involved I think!

What do you make of the new factions?

"Sci-Fi techno-barbarians and Viking badassery come together with body modifications and some kick-ass weapons as part of this faction..."

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