A Monstrous Ghoul King Comes To Warhammer Age Of Sigmar!

November 20, 2023 by brennon

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The blood-maddened forces of the Flesh-Eater Courts are getting some brand new miniatures from Games Workshop soon for Warhammer Age Of Sigmar. Leading the way is their most noble lord, the mighty and certainly not crazy Ushoran, Mortarch Of Delusion.

Ushoran Mortarch Of Delusion - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Ushoran, Mortarch Of Delusion // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Shop Warhammer Age Of Sigmar @ Store.OnTableTop

This fellow was once one of the most beloved of the Mortarchs serving under Nagash. However, he was twisted and warped into the beast that you see here and whilst deep within his mind, he believes himself to still be that paragon and paladin, he is now a hulking killer, ready to let the blood flow! It took all of his fellow Mortarchs to subdue him and force him into his cage once and now he has been unleashed again, woe betide any that stand in his way.

Rules for Ushoran will be included in the next of the Dawnbringers books, The Mad King Rises.

The Mad King Rises - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

The Mad King Rises// Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

You'll be able to chart his rampage across The Mortal Realms and see where the narrative goes next. There will also be rules for every Death faction to use, the return of Triumph And Treachery in games and rules for bringing multiple players to the tabletop.

Armies Of The Mad King

As well as the miniature for Ushoran, you'll also be able to get your hands on a bunch of new miniatures for the Flesh-Eater Courts to help bolster your next maddening crusade across the realms.

Abhorrant Cardinal - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Abhorrant Cardinal // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

New characters include the likes of the bone-wreathed Abhorrant Cardinal. This fellow calls on divine miracles to aid his fellow warriors in battle. Visualising your goals is certainly one way to help ensure success on the battlefield. He is joined by the likes of the Varghulk Courtier who view themselves as the mighty templars of their order.

Varghulk Courtier - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Varghulk Courtier // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Hidden away in the depths of some ruined castle or manor, they believe themselves contemplative and measured. When the scent of blood summons them from their shadowy corners, they head out to rid the land of evil, one head at a time!

More characters are also on the way for the Flesh-Eater Courts like the Royal Decapitator who will be delivering the Summerking's justice with the swift drop of an axe. You can see what else is going to be popping up as part of the new Army Set that features these miniatures below!

Flesh-Eater Courts Army Set - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Flesh-Eater Courts Army Set // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Building on the ghoulish forces of the Summerking, you'll also be able to get your hands on miniatures for the valiant Cryptguard.

Cryptguard - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Cryptguard // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

These are some of the most well-regarded warriors within the kingdom and are given the best arms and armour that money can buy. They even have the finest hovels! What more could you ask for? You can arm them with swords or halberds and use them to hold the line against your dastardly foes!

If you want to sound the hunt and run down those peasant dogs that threatened to burn your manor to the ground, you can also call on the Morbheg Knights.

Morbheg Knights - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Morbheg Knights // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Think of these as your shining Knights Of The Realm given a new life within The Mortal Realms. Whilst they see mighty Pegasi and Draconiths, you see shambling beasts that let out terrible screeches as they bound forth into battle, their grisly riders looking to cut you down with their rusted weapons.

Backstabbing In Warhammer Underworlds

Away from the maddened shenanigans of the Flesh-Eater Courts, you are also going to be able to get your hands on a bunch of backstabbing Kruleboyz for use in Warhammer Underworlds and the currently running Deathgorge season.

Daggoks Stab-Ladz - Warhammer Underworlds

Daggok's Stab-Ladz // Warhammer Underworlds

Shop Warhammer Underworlds @ Store.OnTableTop

These Stab-Ladz do what the Kruleboyz do best. Led by their bruiser of a leader, these Orruks are intent on laying down the hurt through all sorts of kunnin' ways. Hurrk Da Howla can boost the support of allies nearby whilst the warband as a whole can use sneaky schemes in order to take your opponent by surprise.

A nice warband for Warhammer Underworlds but not one that blows my mind. These miniatures should slide nicely into larger Warhammer Age Of Sigmar armies with ease which is good though!

Will you be picking up these new miniatures for the world of Warhammer Age Of Sigmar?

"Rules for Ushoran will be included in the next of the Dawnbringers books, The Mad King Rises..."

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