Modiphius Reveal Brom Cover Art For Conan RPG

January 14, 2016 by brennon

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Modiphius have revealed the cover art for their Conan RPG which will be coming soon (we hope). Brom is one of the biggest names in Conan artwork and his pieces sum up the heroics of a barbaric world. See what you think of the piece...

Brom Cover - Conan

The Modiphius team have been working with a whole bunch of industry experts on Conan to make sure that this is going to be the most polished and authentic experience for fans of the lion-clothed barbarian. I was a fan of the previous iteration of the Conan RPG rules so I'm looking forward to this one.

My hope is that they keep some of the mechanics like the ability to sunder/break weapons. It gave a real weight and reality to combat when you were scuffling.

What do you think?

"My hope is that they keep some of the mechanics like the ability to sunder/break weapons..."

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