MiniWarGaming Dave Fires Up New YouTube Channel

August 14, 2024 by brennon

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MiniWarGaming Dave this week revealed that he's working on a New YouTube Channel to explore even more creative endeavours in the tabletop gaming space. You can check out his video where he gives a little teaser of what's coming...

miniwargaming dave new channel

NEW MiniWarGamer Dave Channel

Here's what Dave had to say about the move to a new channel...

"So I moved to my own new channel. Why? For 16 years, I've been making YouTube videos on ‪MiniWarGaming‬ and have loved building that community, but for some time now, I've had a creative itch I've desperately needed to scratch. You see, YouTube does a fantastic job of matching audience with content, but because of this efficiency, there have been many videos I haven't been able to make. Now that I have this blank canvas, I'm able to move in more creative directions that truly inspire me."

All sounds good so far!

"The tabletop is the great equalizer. I've met thousands of tabletop gamers and miniatures hobbyists from around the globe from all different ages and backgrounds, and I've seen firsthand just how incredible this community is. My mission is to break down barriers that prevent people from unleashing their true hobby passion. I want to see more magic happen! Join me as I use miniatures to create memorable moments that reveal who we really are... awarenesses occupying flesh suits haha."

It also seems like Wayland Games might have had a hand in pushing MiniWarGaming Dave to get stuck in and try something new and they will be sponsoring the channel going forward.

Make sure to check out Dave's YouTube Channel and then over on social media via Facebook and Twitter.

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