Micro Art Studio Working On Para Bellum’s Conquest Terrain

July 31, 2019 by brennon

Micro Art Studio has shown off one of the buildings that they have been working on for their new Conquest line to suit the Para Bellum's mass battle game.

Conquest Terrain - Micro Art Studio

This is a rather splendid looking building, giving us a first look at some of the architecture that they'll be working on. something about this screams Dweghom to me with all of that fine stonework. I would imagine that this is going to be made out of the same foam material that Micro Art has used to craft other pieces for Infinity and beyond.

The top of the building has been made to fit the regiments in the game and you'll have noticed some of their fun sculpted bases in place there too. I look forward to seeing what they do when it comes to making terrain for the Spires. Instead of solid lines and clean-cut edges, you would expect to see twisting curved structures instead.

Will you be snapping up some of their terrain?

"I look forward to seeing what they do when it comes to making terrain for the Spires..."