Meridian Miniatures Summon Moritz’s Funky Little Homunculi

July 1, 2024 by brennon

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Andrew May of Meridian Miniature is back with more of their Black Crab Miniatures range over on Kickstarter. The work of Moritz continues to be turned into 28mm scale miniatures with the strange Homunculi that could be wizard's assistants and more or perhaps a warband in their own right across all manner of different games.

The Homunculi - Black Crab Miniatures

The Homunculi // Black Crab Miniatures

There are two new sets of Homunculi for you to choose from with ten different creations in each set. The first set has been designed to represent a gaggle of Necromancer's Thralls that are wandering around, doing their bidding and probably dragging body parts back to his crypt.

The Homunculi Miniatures #1 - Black Crab Miniatures

Thralls Of The Necromancer // Black Crab Miniatures

The Homunculi Miniatures #2 - Black Crab Miniatures

This range features quirky oddities that are made out of bones and skulls. They feel like they would slot nicely into a lot of games, particularly Forbidden Psalms, and anything MORK BORG related. They are like spooky marginalia that you might find in a particularly freaked-out monk's manuscript.

As well as the Thralls, you also have these Knight's Retainers who have been made to follow their valiant heroes (or conniving villains) into the midst of battle carrying their weapons and armour.

The Homunculi Miniatures #3 - Black Crab Miniatures

The Knight's Retainers // Black Crab Miniatures

The Homunculi Miniatures #4 - Black Crab Miniatures

These look great and seem like they could have been crafted out of sackcloth. They are armed with swords, axes and more as well as shields and there is also a frying pan. I wonder if these Retainers are the ones that also cook the food for the Knights? As well as mentioning Forbidden Psalms above, these would also be awesome for the likes of Verrotwood and Turnip28, wandering the battlefield behind their terrifying masters.

All of these miniatures are in 28mm scale and will be one-piece metal figures. There will never be STL Files and such so if you like the look of these you'll want to scoop them up as part of the project!

Will you be diving into this range?

"All of these miniatures are in 28mm scale and will be one-piece metal figures..."

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