Marvel Share the Latest News for Captain America Civil War

May 8, 2015 by dracs

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If you've seen Age of Ultron then you are probably pretty hyped for Captain America: Civil War. This next installment in the Captain America films has just gone into production and will feature an incredibly large cast of characters from across the Marvel universe.

Captain America Civil War

Civil War will be based upon the Marvel cross-over comics series written by Mark Millar. The story will see Steve Rogers, aka Captain America leading the new team of Avengers. However, after another international incident causes collateral damage, pressure builds for a system of accountability to be put in place. The team is fractured, while they try to contend with a new villain.

Civil War

Marvel have just released new information regarding the film, some of which gives us a bit of an insight into just what this new Marvel movie will be like.

The film will be reuniting some of the team behind Captain America: Winter Soldier, as the directors Anthony and Joe Russo return, with the screenplay written by Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely. This is pretty good news as I have loved the previous movies these guys have brought us.

However, the most interesting part has to be some of the casting that has been announced.

The Cast of Civil War

A full list of the cast can be found over at the Marvel website, but here are some of the ones that really caught my attention.

First off, the new Avengers team will be returning, alongside Robert Downey Jr.'s Iron Man and Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye. Making his Avengers debut, Paul Rudd will also be appearing as Ant-Man, returning to the screen after his own titular film.


Excitingly, Black Panther will also be appearing in the film, played by Chadwick Boseman, alongside William Hurt as General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross and Frank Grillo as the villain Crossbones.

Black Panther

Black Panther's inclusion in the film is especially exciting. This will be the character's first appearance, and will most likely see some pay off from the vibranium smuggling that was established in Age of Ultron.

As well as these, Martin Freeman will be making an appearance, although Marvel are staying quiet about what role he will be playing. However, there are rumours that he will be the Black Panther villain Everett Ross.

Everett Ross

Good to see Martin Freeman in a serious villain role.

On top of all this Sebastian Stan is set to reprise his role as The Winter Soldier from the previous film.

Winter Soldier

This means that, on top of the civil war and everything else he will have to contend with, Captain America may once again come face to face with his resurrected best friend. It will be interesting to see where this goes, given the focus that was placed on their relationship in Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

Whadda Ya Think?

With all these characters and plot threads coming together, Captain America Civil War looks set to be an amazing blockbuster. I am very relieved about this as I did not like Civil War comics it is based loosely upon.

An interesting point about the differences between the movie and the comics is that one of the main reasons civil war broke out in the comics was because the registration act required heroes reveal their identities. Secret identities has never been a focus of these film renditions, so I wonder what form the government regulation upon the Avengers will take.

Is this a Marvel movie you are looking forward to seeing?

"Black Panther's inclusion in the film is especially exciting and will most likely see some pay off from the vibranium smuggling that was established in Age of Ultron."

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