Mantic Team Up With 343 For New Halo Miniatures Game!

January 5, 2024 by brennon

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Mantic Games has announced that they are going to be working with 343 Industries on a new Halo tabletop game that will be launching directly to retail in September 2024!

Halo 2024 - Mantic Games

New Halo Tabletop Game - 2024 // Mantic Games

The game will feature 40mm Spartan miniatures duking it out in multiplayer battles on the tabletop similar to the classic games of Deathmatch, King Of The Hill, Oddball and more. Focusing on this multiplayer-style game with bigger miniatures seems like a perfect way for folks to get quick and fun games in the Halo universe onto the tabletop.

Ronnie Renton explained...

"Having a firefight play out on the table while moving Spartans in and out of cover connects players to the action in a new and special way. We have a thrilling and competitive game, from a passionate team of talented sculptors, artists, and designers who have been building an incredible Halo experience."

I think this all sounds very awesome and it has been a long time since we've seen Halo on the tabletop. The last time would have been with Spartan Games and both Halo: Ground Command and Halo: Fleet Battles.

Maybe, if this new Halo game focused on the larger miniatures and multiplayer-style gameplay goes well, we could see this relationship expand to include games on a grander scale!

Are you excited by this news?

"The game will feature 40mm Spartan miniatures duking it out in multiplayer battles on the tabletop..."

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