Magic Players Prepare for the Release of the Khans of Tarkir!

September 24, 2014 by dracs

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This weekend Magic players will be getting the chance to buy themselves the new cards of the latest set as the Khans of Tarkir take to the plains of existence!

Khans of Tarkir

Those of you lucky enough to attend the prerelease events will have already had a chance to try out some of the cool cards this new set will be bringing with it and to try your hand at a couple of games with triple colour themed decks. Now that the official releases is upon us, player will now have the opportunity to pick up fat packs and boosters where those all important new cards are hiding.

Khans of Tarkir Fat Pack

The Khans of Tarkir set has a cool Asiatic feel to it and shows off some fantastic artwork, even among the top notch cards of Magic the Gathering. I personally am dying to get my hands on some of these cards as their focus on triple mana decks is something I have never used before and so opens up some interesting new play styles.

Khans of Tarkir Prerelease Promo

Did you attend a prerelease event for this new set? What was your first impression like?

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