Lucid Eye Release New Ziggurat Miniatures For 2020

January 10, 2020 by brennon

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Lucid Eye has been showing off their new releases for the Ziggurat range, a couple of miniatures which bring together a little bit of the Historical as well as a splash of Biblical Fantasy. See what you make of the Fall Of Bel first.

Fall Of Bel - Lucid Eye

This is another of the sculpts from the very talented Steve Saleh and this would be a great new option for those playing games set during this Ancient period of history. Fall Of Bel relates to the Temple Of Bel/Baal from Palmyra in Syria. During the period it would have been a focus for worship around the lunar god Aglibol and the sun god Yarhibol.

Royal Warriors

Additionally, a new release for this week is the Royal Sons set.

Royal Sons - Lucid Eye

These grim-faced warriors with their mighty shields are no doubt going to be protecting their masters with brutal efficiency. The stances would be pretty good for protective elements within your warband and I like that you've got a really nice blank canvas for you to either add transfers or try your hand at something freehand.

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