Legends Of Signum: The Cursed Forest Kickstarter Enters Final Day

June 24, 2020 by brennon

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Signum Games are moving towards the final day or so for their The Cursed Forest Kickstarter which adds two new factions into their game of heroic miniatures combat and strategic city-building.

The Cursed Forest Final Image - Signum Games.jpg

The Cursed Forest Kickstarter // Check It Out Here

We've already had a deeper look at what's on offer as part of this Kickstarter HERE but if you're interested in find out more, we've included our Unboxings below for the two new sets so you can see what you've got waiting for you inside these boxes!

Cursed Forest Battle Set Final Image - Signum Games

Cursed Forest Battle Set // Legends Of Signum

The above set is a good way for you to just dive in and get involved as it includes both of the sets and also all of the extra things you need in order to play the game. The same goes for this All In Pledge although of course this comes in at a much higher price.

All In Final Image - Signum Games

All-In Pledge // Legends Of Signum

Both of these, however, show off what you can get once you start to dive into the range. There are loads of options that have been added into the mix for this campaign ontop of the glorious new miniatures from the two sets that were the core focus of the campaign. I particularly like some of the ace terrain options like the forests and rocks which have been designed to match the background and lore of Legends Of Signum.

Legends Of Signum: The Cursed Forest Unboxings

Here we have both of the options for those new core boxes plus our videos looking at them in more detail...

Alliance Of The Unicorn Final - Signum Games

Alliance Of The Unicorn // Legends Of Signum

Alliance Of The Unicorn Unboxing // Legends Of Signum

So, if the Elves and Werewolves from that box don't quite tickle your fancy then you've also got the Akkari Spider Elves to consider too.

Akkari Spider Elves Final - Signum Games

Akkari Spider Elves // Legends Of Signum

Akkari Spider Elves Unboxing // Legends Of Signum

Make sure to take a look at both videos as they might help you choose which one of these factions you're going to pick up when starting your Legends Of Signum journey.

Have you got involved in this campaign and if so, which faction did you pick?

"Have you got involved in this campaign and if so, which faction did you pick?"

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