Legends Of Dystopian Wars Part Of Warcradle’s July Releases

June 25, 2024 by brennon

Warcradle Studios has previewed the new releases coming to Dystopian Wars in the month of July. There are some legendary additions to the range coming up next month for the Crown and the Commonwealth.

Dystopian Wars July Releases - Warcradle Studios

Dystopian Wars July Releases // Warcradle Studios

Shop Dystopian Wars @ Wayland Games

Leading the way, we have the Legends Of The Crown. The Nautilus joins the Dystopian Wars collection alongside the mighty HMCS Tilloch Galt.

Legends Of The Crown - Dystopian Wars

Legends Of The Crown // Dystopian Wars

The Nautilus is commanded by Captain Rani Nimue and they have plenty of tales to tell about seeking out legendary artefacts and treasures from across the world. Whilst the Nautilus is a Crown vessel, Captain Rani Nimue works for anyone with the right amount of coin. An ally when it suits her!

As well as the Nautilus, this set comes with the HMCS Tilloch Galt. Here's some of the background on this mighty vessel...

"The flagship of the Canadian Atlantic Defence Fleet, the HMCS Tilloch Galt, gained renown in action against the Imperium during their attempt on the Labrador Sea in 1873 and against the Commonwealth during the Ghosts of Midwinter in 1876. She inspires any battlefleet she fights alongside and has become a symbol of Canadian naval power. Merchant vessels making the long journey between the British Isles and Canada cheer in welcome when they come under the protection of the Tilloch Galt and her unbreakable Guardian Generator array."

This set comes with miniatures for The Nautilus and the HMCS Tilloch Galt alongside five Escorts that will be keeping an eye out for approaching enemies. A solid set for Crown fans I am sure.

If you're looking to go down a different route then you can also call on the power of Markov’s Prometheus.

Markovs Prometheus - Dystopian Wars

Markov's Prometheus // Dystopian Wars

Helsinki Markov. Traitor of saviour? The Commonwealth has claimed some of the power of the Enlightened and now can use it to empower their forces to further feats of dominion throughout the Dystopian Age.

"Without the heroism of Markov, a steel cage might have been built around the world, fashioned by those greedy intellectuals. Now, everyone can access the marvels that supply power to the homes of the workers; tireless machines can take the strain in the fields and the factories to keep the Commonwealth the beacon of greatness it is known to be across the globe. We humbly give thanks to Helsinki Markov and the Ministry of Technology for their efforts in empowering the people of the Commonwealth"

I like that we're getting more narrative sets like these for the Dystopian Age. It helps to build up the story within people's collections and perhaps help them focus on creating interesting scenarios with them involved.

Markovs Prometheus Alt - Dystopian Wars

Markov's Prometheus // Dystopian Wars

All of these new miniatures from Warcradle are going to be available in July. Keep an eye out for pre-orders popping up soon and tell us which of the sets you're going to be picking up.

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Disclosure: OnTableTop and its companies are part of the group of companies owned and operated by Wayland Games Ltd since 12/10/2020

"The Nautilus joins the Dystopian Wars collection alongside the mighty HMCS Tilloch Galt..."

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