Kromlech Unleash The Sindari Spirit Host On Your Sci-Fi Tabletops

June 28, 2024 by brennon

Kromlech is unleashing the power of the Sindari Spirit Host on your Sci-Fi wargaming tabletops. This new range of 28mm resin miniatures are going to be arriving on the Kromlech webstore soon, giving you some alternative options for your Aeldari forces in games like Warhammer 40,000 or for something like Grimdark Future.

Sindari Spirit Guards With Rift Cannons - Kromlech

Sindari Spirit Guards With Rift Cannons // Kromlech

The Sindari have got that awesome crafted bone look to them which gives them a haunting look and feel. The veils over their "faces" are also another good touch and give them a dark and foreboding feel. There are options for getting the Sindari Spirit Guards with Rift Cannons but also the Soul Splitters.

Sindari Spirit Guards With Soul Spliters - Kromlech

Sindari Spirit Guards With Soul Splitters // Kromlech

This offers you very esoteric ways for you to render your enemies devoid of life, ripping their very matter apart and scattering it to the stars. The nice contrast of bone material and the shimmering gems should make them rather striking on the tabletop.

If you prefer getting stuck into close combat then you can also pick up some Sindari with melee weapons like the Glaives here.

Sindari Spirit Guards With Glaives - Kromlech

Sindari Spirit Guards With Glaives // Kromlech

An alternative weapon option is for you to choose the more elegant Greatswords. This gives you some variants to match those from Warhammer 40,000 for example where you're most likely to see these popping up.

Sindari Spirit Guards With Greatswords - Kromlech

Sindari Spirit Guards With Greatswords // Kromlech

I also think that the Sindari Spirit Guards with melee weapons would be really good for use in some Fantasy games. There's nothing outwardly Sci-Fi about them so they could potentially be bone guardians that you find shambling around a temple. I could see these popping up in a game like Frostgrave for example, shuffling and creaking around the bowels of some ancient place of power.

On the larger side of things, you can also bring the terrifying Ancient Knights to the tabletop. I think these are probably the best miniatures from the recent crop by Kromlech and the Duellist in particular.

Ancient Knight Dueller - Kromlech

Ancient Knight Dueller // Kromlech

The hands over the face continue with that haunting look to the miniatures and I think that the shield is also stunning. I could easily see this being folded into the mix with an Iyanden army where the focus really is on death and the ghostly warriors of the past fighting alongside their living allies.

As well as the Duellist, diving into close combat, you can also pick up this Ancient Knight With Cannons who will unleash their powerful weapons on tanks and fortifications.

Ancient Knight With Cannons - Kromlech

Ancient Knight With Cannons // Kromlech

Again, the veil over the face is a great concept and I like it as a way of portraying a grieving race that are slowly vanishing from the galaxy. All of these ancient warriors will be made available very soon over on the Kromlech webstore.

Last but not least, and filling more gaps in existing lines of miniatures, you can also get your hands on the Sindari Fate Spinners soon.

Sindari Fate Spinners - Kromlech

Sindari Fate Spinners // Kromlech

This set comes with the Fate Spinners squad as well as the leader of the squad. You can see the spider vibe being worked into their design and I think these would be a great option for someone seeking to build an alternative unit for your army.

Could you be tempted to snap up these new Sindari miniatures from Kromlech?

"...the Sindari Spirit Guards with melee weapons would be really good for use in some Fantasy games"

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