Kromlech Preview Their Upcoming Orktober 2024 Miniatures!

September 24, 2024 by brennon

Kromlech, as is tradition, are going all-in when it comes to Orktober this year! They have a whole host of new Orcs & Goblins to throw into your 28mm Sci-Fi wargames and the theme this year is greatcoats and rumbling tanks!

Orc Greatcoat Korps - Kromlech

Orc Greatcoat Korps // Kromlech

The range will be available from 1st October and you'll be able to get your hands on a whole bunch of full miniature kits as well as just bitz if you'd prefer to use these figures alongside some of the official kits from the likes of Warhammer 40,000.

The Greatcoat look is awesome and it's neat that Kromlech still hasn't run out of ideas for making fun Orc armies. You get the sense that this army of Orcs is a little more efficient than your standard rabble!

Orc Greatcoat Korps Chopper Squad - Kromlech

Orc Greatcoat Korps Chopper Squad // Kromlech

The collection for this year contains a whole bunch of characters and plenty of troops. I like the idea of doing this Orc army as a Bulge-inspired force. The big coats look like they would work for a winter setting and you could imagine these Orcs running around in an utterly blasted forest where the trees are almost non-existent!

If you're in the market for vehicles then the folks at Kromlech have also got plenty of them lined up as well. All the miniatures are resin and should be great for theming a full force.

Orc Greatcoat Korps Biker Team - Kromlech

Orc Greatcoat Korps Biker Team // Kromlech

If you're a fan of Orktober campaigns of the past, the folks at Kromlech are back with an old favourite. Orc Tigerwagon II is rumbling onto the tabletop with a very big gun, a crushing roller and a crane with bonus squig-like creature!

Orc Tigerwagon II - Kromlech

Orc Tigerwagon II // Kromlech

I am sure plenty of folks will find a way to slot these miniatures into their armies. The Tigerwagon also helps to bolster the Bulge-style idea behind bringing this army to the tabletop. Imagine this, rolling through an utterly blasted forest covered in snow and blood. Plenty of blood.

This is just a small selection of what Kromlech has set up for Orktober this year. If you're eager to see more, check out the Orktober Countdown!

Orc Warrfreak - Kromlech

Orc Warrfreak // Kromlech

I know we have a lot of Orc/Ork fans in the community and it will be great to see what folks do with these miniatures. Even if you only get your hands on one miniature for Orktober, you're showing your loyalty to the green tide and the mayhem of Gork and Mork!

What do you make of this Orktober spread?

"Even if you only get your hands on one miniature for Orktober, you're showing your loyalty to the green tide..."

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