Kromlech Unleash The Odyssian Knight On Sci-Fi Battlefields

September 3, 2021 by brennon

Kromlech has been tinkering away on a new release for those who like a bit of kit-bashing. Fancy making your grimdark knight look a little more unique? Well, you can now pick up the Odyssian Knight from their webstore.

Odyssian Knight Armour - Kromlech

Odyssian Knight Armour // Kromlech

This set has been designed to fit over the existing plastic kit from the folks at Games Workshop. You then simply bolt-on these new resin pieces and you should have a pretty unique looking walker! If you want to bow before the Omnissiah then this would be a pretty fun set to snap up.

As well as the main Knight Armour set that you can see above, you can also buy some separate components if you're looking to change select bits of your knight. So, you can pick up the Pauldrons, Carapace and Mask/Crest packs separately...

Odyssian Knight Pauldrons - Kromlech

Odyssian Knight Pauldrons // Kromlech

Odyssian Knight Carapace - Kromlech

Odyssian Knight Carapace // Kromlech

Odyssian Knight Mask & Crest - Kromlech

Odyssian Knight Mask & Crest // Kromlech

There is a really awesome set of bits and pieces for you to check out as part of this collection. I like that it gets across the eerie and creepy side of the Adeptus Mechanicus as much as it does their prowess. It features that twisted grandeur that is so prevalent amongst the Mechanicus and Warhammer 40,000 in general.

There is a lot for you to play around with here as a painter. All of the detail has been baked into the resin kit itself so you shouldn't need to mess around with transfers and such. Get painting and then break out the weathering materials too!

Are you going to snap these kits up?

"Get painting and then break out the weathering materials too!"

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