Klukva Miniatures Create Busts Of Bounty Hunters & Mages

September 29, 2015 by brennon

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If you're in the mood to paint up some well loved characters from Polish literature then see what you think of Beralt and Beatriss from Klukva Miniatures who are a new Russian company...


Beralt is a bounty hunter/monster slayer for hire and is looking great in this bust showing off his chainmail, padded leather armour and a pendant about his neck which warns him of magic nearby. I love the work on his facial details and the scar carved through his one eye.

Joining him on his adventures and as another great painting project there is Beatriss who is his mage companion.


I think the real skill here is going to be painting her hair and giving it plenty of depth. I love these characters and it's great to see other companies working on versions of them for the painting table.

What do you think of this pair?

"I love these characters and it's great to see other companies working on versions of them for the painting table..."

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