Khurasan Give Sneak Peek At Upcoming 28mm Pulp Range

July 31, 2024 by brennon

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Khurasan Miniatures has begun giving sneak peeks of their upcoming 28mm Pulp range. It Came From Planet 28 has been inspired by 50's Pulp Sci-Fi and will be great for those wanting new miniatures for a variety of Pulp wargames like Pulp Alley, 7TV and beyond.

Jane Painted - Khurasan Miniatures

Jane (Painted) // Khurasan Miniatures

The most recent preview from Khurasan Miniatures is for Jane, the heroine of the new range and the love interest of another of the characters (below), Hank. She is a chemist and as you can see here, she is sporting the concoction that is useful in overthrowing the alien invaders!

Hank & Jane - Khurasan Miniatures

Hank & Jane // Khurasan Miniatures

Hank, mentioned earlier, is shown here with a revolver at the ready, ready to take on whatever alien or collaborator has managed to bust their way into the lab to stop their experiments. This will be set one from Khurasan and the second set will feature Hank with a flashlight and Jane cautiously advancing, perhaps sneaking around in an alien ship.

The 15mm versions of Hank and Jane (yes, 15mm!) will come with bases whilst the 28mm versions won't. This means you can add them to clear bases or whatever you like as in the first image.

As well as the plucky heroes above, there are also some allies to throw into your encounters like these local cops.

Pulp Cop - Khurasan Miniatures

Pulp Cop // Khurasan Miniatures

Why does that cop need a shotgun? Well, that's because the folks at Khurasan are also working on some Saucermen who are going to be causing havoc. These miniatures are spot on for some Pulp adventure and the bad guys look like they could easily be "dudes in costumes" to match with the idea of a classic movie being played out on the tabletop.

Saucermen - Khurasan Miniatures

Saucermen // Khurasan Miniatures

As you can see, the It Came From Planet 28 range is still in development but it shouldn't be much longer before you'll be able to snap these up. Are some ideas boiling around in the back of your brain as to how you might use these miniatures on the tabletop?

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"As well as the plucky heroes above, there are also some allies to throw into your encounters like these local cops..."

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