Kaha Miniatures Sculpt Up The Mighty Hrothgar For Their Barbarians

February 5, 2015 by brennon

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Leading the Barbarians of Oroko into battle from Kaha we have the mighty Hrothgar who has been sculpted up by the talented hands of Lux Thantor. See what you think of this horned warrior below...


Now that is an awesome looking warrior channeling a bit of the Skyrim Dragonborn about him as he steps out onto the battlefield. Some great work has gone into the musculature as well as the fur and other bits of armour he's wearing. The beard is also magnificent!

Elder Scrolls Nord

I know Kaha have taken some cool existing characters in the past for their sculpting inspiration so it would be neat to see them do a model that looks a bit like this Nord chap from Elder Scrolls Online.

Would you follow Hrothgar into battle?

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"it would be neat to see them do a model that looks a bit like this Nord chap from Elder Scrolls Online"

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