Imaginative Miniatures Bring Out The Beast For First Releases

June 19, 2015 by stvitusdancern

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A new startup company, Imaginative Miniatures has released their first set of miniatures.

Bear Warrior

Bear Warrior with shield

These 28mm heroic scale fantasy miniatures in a humanoid / beast form to include bear, stag, swine, goat warriors;stag shamans and raven sorcerers.

Stag Shaman

Raven Sorcerer

The creators behind these miniatures designed them to be as neutral as possible so they could be included in anyone's fantasy army used in any game system. I especially  like the bear warriors myself and I can see me ordering these for a Kings of War Forces of Nature army.

What do you think of these? Do they have a place on there crowded miniatures shelf?

"...designed them to be as neutral as possible so they could be included in anyone's fantasy army..."

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