The Howling Horde Is Charging Into Norsgard

March 3, 2016 by brennon

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Norsgard have been showing off some more of the miniatures that will be riding out with the Howling Horde. See what you think of these mounted warriors with weapons at the ready...

Howling Horde Riders #1

Howling Horde Riders #2

You can see these warriors here with an array of different weapons. You have the riders with a spear and one with an axe. The Elks(?) have also got a great sense of motion to them and they appear quite natural.

I think these would be great to see painted up. The world of Norsgard is slowly but surely growing and I think they're on the right course.

What do you think?

"I think these would be great to see painted up. The world of Norsgard is slowly but surely growing and I think they're on the right course..."

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