Hobday & Hicks Reveal More For New Fantasy Range & Game!

September 25, 2023 by brennon

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Andy Hobday and Paul Hicks have been showing off more of their new 28mm Fantasy miniatures that will be coming to tabletops as part of their new game! HVM Workbench, a phenomenal site that is well worth checking out, showcased some newly painted miniatures recently!

The White Seer & the Widow Blade - Hobday & Hicks

The White Seer & The Widow Blade // Hobday & Hicks

The newest set of miniatures to get previewed are for the above White Seer and The Widow Blade. I am getting some serious classic Fantasy vibes from this collection and it's taking me back to the movies that we would have seen in the 70s and 80s. In the centre, you have a powerful seer who looks like she commands a lot of respect. She is then flanked by some brutal warrior women, perhaps all perfecting their skills in their given weapons.

I really like the miniature for the lady towards the back with her two daggers raised and the one with the larger two-handed weapon. As we're getting to know the vibe of this world, this preview helps to move things perhaps slightly towards the darker side of things. There's certainly a lot of mist and mystery around these ladies!

We also got to see a mounted version of The Wizard who we'd last seen on foot summoning some eldritch power to aid him.

The Wizard - Hobday & Hicks

The Wizard // Hobday & Hicks

He now looks to be facing off against some marauding Orcs. As Hobday has said over on social media, is this fellow good or bad? I guess we'll find out soon!

It's great to see more popping up from Hobday & Hicks both as a miniatures line and when you consider the potential of a game. The Barons' War has gone down exceedingly well and fingers crossed this dive into the fantastical is just as good!

Will you be keeping an eye out for more?

"It's great to see more popping up from Hobday & Hicks..."

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