Hide Behind Spellcrow’s Hidden Counters
January 5, 2015 by dracs
Spellcrow have released a new set of decorative counters to help you to show when your miniatures are hiding in the shadows.
These counters feature a detailed, decorative design with a hooded figure in the centre. They help to clearly indicate just when a miniature is obscured, letting you easily keep track of when your characters are schlepping furtively through the night time shadows.
I must admit that I these do not particularly appeal to me. The design is good, though the writing gets a little obscured by all the detail, but it's the hooded faces that I think look a little out of place. These might be better if they were left with a far simpler design. However, I might change that opinion if I were to see them painted up and being used in a game.
What is your opinion of Spellcrow's Hidden Counters?
Meh. Objective markers perhaps, but a bit of terrain would function as well.