New RuneWars Heroes & Units Available This Weekend

June 17, 2017 by brennon

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If you're a big fan of RuneWars from Fantasy Flight Games then you'll want to check out the new releases of two new heroes for the Daqan and Waiqar as well as units to boost your existing regiments.

Lord Hawthorne

For the Humans, we have Lord Hawthorne who you can see above who comes with both a mounted version and his on-foot design too. He can be run as warriors in their own right or included as part of regiments to give them a boost.

The same goes for Ankaur Maro who can be seen here riding a tide of bones into battle!

Ankaur Maro

As well as the models and statistics cards you also get a wealth of upgrades and optional magical items they might want to carry into battle. You also get scenarios designed around them too.

Massed Ranks

As well as the heroes above you can also now pick up boosters for the Spearmen of the Daqan and the Reanimates of the Waiqar.



When it comes to building an army these could be used to make larger regiments or indeed a smaller splinter regiment which can fight to protect your flank.

Will you be picking these up?

"He can be run as warriors in their own right or included as part of regiments to give them a boost..."

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