Grand Battle Scale 10mm Orcs Coming From Wargames Atlantic!

August 21, 2024 by brennon

Wargames Atlantic previewed another set of awesome miniatures coming our way soon. The Grand Battle Scale collection steps out of the Historical and explores Fantasy with some awesome 10mm Orcs on the way!

10mm Orcs Army - Wargames Atlantic

10mm Orcs Army // Wargames Atlantic

Work has begun on this new Classic Fantasy set from Wargames Atlantic for you to use when dropping into your games. The team are still in the process of working out what is going to be on what sprues but this is a great preview of what's on the horizon for the Orcs.

You get loads of warriors with halberds, swords, bows, spears and plenty of command options. There are also going to be a bunch of shields that will find their way onto miniatures so your Orcs won't go into battle without some protection. You've also got a set of wolf riders which come with warriors armed with spears, swords and bows.

Orcs are a great choice to start Grand Battle's Fantasy range. They are a classic foe in nearly every setting and if you paint them red, you could always use them as Oni to fight your Samurai.

What Fantasy factions would you like to see them work on next?

"You get loads of warriors with halberds, swords, bows, spears and plenty of command options..."

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