Get Stuck Into Pulp Figure’s New British Zulu Wars Range

July 5, 2024 by brennon

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Bob Murch has now made the Pulp British Zulu Wars range available for sale, ready for those looking to dive into some Pulp adventures during the Victorian era.

Eccentric British Officers - Pulp Figures

Eccentric British Officers // Pulp Figures

There is a good mix of different characters and troops for you to choose from when diving into this range. For example, the Eccentric British Officers set would be neat for those looking to create a selection of villainous cretins but also those who could be misunderstood and brilliant commanders. Maybe that portly fellow gives off an aloof air but is actually a military genius.

You also have dashing Line Officers who are most likely going to be harsh but fair. They certainly have the facial hair to make it into the upper ranks.

British Line Officers - Pulp Figures

British Line Officers // Pulp Figures

I particularly like the fellow with the knobkerrie or the sword as a weapon of choice. The unbuttoned shirt also gives him the air of a desperate fighter who might have found himself in dire circumstances as his unit gets overrun by the enemy.

For those wanting to fill out your ranks, there are also plenty of regular troops for you to use in your armies. This British Skirmishers set is one of my favourites I think, all in the midst of deadly fighting, reloading, aiming and firing at their enemies.

British Skirmishers - Pulp Figures

British Skirmishers // Pulp Figures

There are some excellent miniatures for you to choose from for building up your British army. You'll be able to get artillery crews, cavalry officers and regular units, cannons aplenty and there are also some special units like this set below.

British Special Miniatures - Pulp Figures

British Special Miniatures // Pulp Figures

That dashing fellow with the revolver at the ready looks like he has some main-character energy. I also like the banner bearer who the other chap might have been tasked with protecting. Make sure to dive deep into the range and see if Bob Murch's latest crop of miniatures could find their way into your collection.

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"That dashing fellow with the revolver at the ready looks like he has some main-character energy..."

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