Gav Thorpe Joins Konflikt ’47’s Writing & Development Team

August 26, 2024 by brennon

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Another big Konflikt '47 announcement for this week as Gav Thorpe has joined the writing and development team for the game. Warlord Games announced that he is getting stuck into a bit of Weird World War wargaming as the development of the 28mm scale game continues.


Konflikt '47 // Warlord Games

Gav Thorpe is known for his work within the worlds of Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40,000 with novels to his name and a whole bunch of time spent developing the games as well. He has also won the David Gemmell Legend Award for his novel Warbeast and has been involved in the 2000 AD games by Warlord. Much like Cam Rogers, Andy Chambers and William King, he has quite the pedigree.

Gav Thorpe - Konflikt 47

Gav Thorpe // Konflikt '47

He is going to be working within the writing and development team to help build the universe of Konflikt '47 as well as discuss the way that blends with the rules and general aesthetic of the game. A good background should support the rules and make you feel like you're really in the world when playing.

"Like many gamers of a certain vintage, I grew up with World War Two model kits, and my first ever homegrown simple rules set used old 1/72 scale figures, made up at a friend’s house when I was ten years old. I’ve played many WWII games of different scales and types ever since. I’m also a huge fan of esoteric knowledge and alternate history, both of which place Konflikt ’47 firmly in the ‘Loads of Fun to Write’ category. It’s been great working with Andy on the 2000 AD games for Warlord. I’m a big fan of Bill’s work and have met him a few times but this is our first collaboration. Cam is a highly knowledgeable addition to the team which has been a lot of help. It’s a great crew to be a part of, and I think folks will really appreciate the variety of styles, inspirations and outlooks we’re bringing to the Konflikt ’47 setting."

The design team behind Konflikt '47 has worked out to be quite the line-up. I am intrigued to see where the game goes and how it develops over the coming months.

Are you excited to dive into Konflikt '47?

"The design team behind Konflikt '47 has worked out to be quite the line-up..."

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