Games Workshop’s Lords Of Dale Defend Middle-earth

July 23, 2021 by brennon

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Games Workshop had a pretty awesome Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game surprise this week. The team behind the game previewed some of the mighty Lords Of Dale who are coming to the tabletop for those playing games in The Third Age.

King Brand - Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game

King Brand // Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game

Leading the way we have the grandson of Bard, the heroic bowman who was able to fell Smaug. King Brand might be an old man at this point but he is still a fearsome fighter and is able to hold his own against even the deadliest of foes. He would stand side-by-side with King Dáin Ironfoot at the Battle of Dale and even though he fell, he still made a good account of the humans who held fast against Sauron's forces.

King Brand is also joined by his son, Bard II, Prince Of Dale.

Bard II Prince Of Dale - Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game

Bard II, Prince Of Dale // Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game

Bard II is as good a fighter as his father and once the older warriors had fallen it became the job of Bard II and Thorin III Stonehelm to strike at the heart of the enemy and save both Dale and Erebor from the threat of evil.

Bard II is also one of the finest Knights Of Dale and he is joined by three of them that are going to be available alongside these characters.

Knights Of Dale - Middle-eath Strategy Battle Game

Knights Of Dale // Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game

The Knights Of Dale can be used as a formidable guard alongside Brand and Bard II. Perhaps you could change the course of history and make it so that the aged King survives the Battle Of Dale?

These particular miniatures can be used in a Garrison Of Dale army meaning that you can make good use of many of the existing miniatures in the range. There are some tweaks you have to make, of course, especially considering this force is one based around the War Of The Ring.

It is neat to see Games Workshop still expanding on the options for the Middle-earth: Strategy Battle Game. I am eager to see where they go next with their upcoming sourcebooks.

Do you like these new miniatures?

"Perhaps you could change the course of history and make it so that the aged King survives the Battle Of Dale? "

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