Fundraiser Set Up For Wargaming’s Legendary Paul Sawyer

September 11, 2024 by brennon

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Following on from the sad news about the legendary Paul Sawyer last week, a fundraiser has been set up to make his remaining months as comfortable as possible. Set up by Holly Sawyer, you can check out the GoFundMe Page link below if you'd like to help.

Paul Sawyer - Warlord Games

Paul Sawyer GoFundMe Donation Page

For those unaware of the news surrounding Paul, here's some information below...

"On April 13th 2024, Dad was taken ill at a war gaming conference in London and the family were told to head to London right away. I’ll refer to him as Paul for the purpose of this story, as many people know Dad as a bit of a wargaming legend.

At first, the medics thought he had suffered a stroke so he was put into an induced coma and remained in the ICU for the next week.

Following copious tests and scans, we finally received the devastating news in May that he has stage 4 Glioblastoma, one of the most aggressive and deadly forms of brain cancer.

Since the diagnosis, Paul has received incredibly intense treatments in an attempt to shrink the tumour and buy us some more time with him, but the fact remains that his diagnosis is terminal and he is only expected to live 12-14 months from the diagnosis.

It’s become our mission to make Dad’s last months as happy and exciting as we can so that he has the chance to truly LIVE every single day.

Since people have found out about the diagnosis there has been an overwhelming display of kindness from all across the world, with many asking if there’s any way in which they can help. We’re currently trying to get some disability aids and home adaptations to help Dad keep his independent mobility for as long as he can. Unfortunately, there is only so much that the NHS can do so we’re opening up the opportunity for anyone who has ever known Dad or appreciated his hard work over the years, to donate anything they can to help us make Dad as comfortable and happy as possible."

As stated above, Paul is a legend of the wargaming world and his work on White Dwarf was what dragged me deeper and deeper into the hobby back in the day. Since then, he has had a successful time alongside the rest of the Warlord Games crew bringing more games and miniatures to the masses.

John Stallard of Warlord Games added...

"Please give generously if you are able – Paul is a legend of the wargaming industry and a truly excellent human being, and as a community, we look after our own."

I'm sure that even if you can't donate for whatever reason, sharing the fundraiser link would be a great help to Paul and his family.

What is your first memory of Paul Sawyer's influence on your hobby? I still remember his White Scars army and the Tale Of Four Gamers!

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"What is your first memory of Paul Sawyer's influence on your hobby?"

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