Freebooter Preview More Ascending Fate Faction Packs

July 22, 2024 by brennon

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Following on from our initial preview of Ascending Fate, coming soon to Gamefound from Freebooter Miniatures, we can now take a look at more of the factions they have been working on for the campaign including the Komplex!

Franz Alarich - Ascending Fate

Franz Alarich // Ascending Fate

The Komplex are the disciplined troops of the Ascending Fate world, deployed by the Interstellar Commission to defend key objectives and the borders of space. They often carry the best equipment and blast into combat zones in the most modern ships. They are all about keeping the populace safe from outside threats.

Gertrude Stone - Ascending Fate

Gertrude Stone // Ascending Fate

It's neat that, as with all of the factions, the Komplex has some great characters to help make up your crew. I particularly liked the no-nonsense Gertrude Stone but I think my favourite from the Komplex set is the augmented Samu.

Samu - Ascending Fate

Samu // Ascending Fate

Whilst Samu doesn't often take place in the fighting directly, he can watch over proceedings and support the rest of your characters. I love that he's properly towering, setting him apart from the rest of the Komplex crew.

The rest of your Komplex team is made up of the Cadets who are fresh out of the academy and eager to please.

Kadetten - Ascending Fate

Cadets // Ascending Fate

I sense that these Cadets might be quite over-eager when it comes to chasing down the various miscreants we've already seen in Ascending Fate. Some great new miniatures and a fun look at the faction in more detail.

This comes as part of the Komplex Faction Starter which gives you all the miniatures, unit cards, command cards and more that you'll need for use in Ascending Fate.

Komplex Faction Starter - Ascending Fate

Komplex Faction Starter // Ascending Fate

If you'd prefer to look further afield, there are also three other Faction Sets for you to choose from as part of the Gamefound campaign.

Faction Packs - Ascending Fate

Faction Packs // Ascending Fate

You could choose the strange An Dan, the Arvingar with their flowing beards or the lovable Murfs. Ascending Fate is looking rather nice and the diverse range of factions is making the game quite intriguing. I like that Freebooter is making the additional factions available so you don't feel locked into the ones from the Starter Set.

Will you be diving into Ascending Fate now you've seen more of the miniatures?

"...there are also three other Faction Sets for you to choose from as part of the Gamefound campaign"

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