Fly Or Tunnel Your Way Around Infamy’s Kickstarter

July 22, 2014 by dracs

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Infamy: Welcome to the Big Smoke is adding Kickstarter updates at a really fast rate and a whole bunch of cool previews have just appeared, taking us to the skies and tunnels of the London.

If you like the idea of soaring around the spires of the old city, you might like the newly unlocked Gunnery.


Gunnery is a member of the Lost Boys who was unfortunately left paralysed after a bad crash. However, the gang soon secured some new tech during a raid, which now lets this Lost Boy swoop through the skies above, strafing all below with his gatling gun.




Suddenly Chitty Chitty Bang Bang just got a lot more exciting.

Of course, you may suffer from a touch of vertigo, in which case you might like the latest addition to the Toad's gang. Meet the Mole, who will take you down into London's series of sewers.

Mole WiP

Mole WiP 2

Mole WiP 3

Mole WiP Drill

The Mole adds an interesting dimension to Infamy, especially when you consider how intricate the underground world of London was even in real life Victorian London. I can only imagine how useful Mole will be to bring into your gang, given his knowledge of the subterranean world.

On top of these cool mini designs, two awesome concept sketches have appeared. First we get Pa March, patriarch of the March family who have taken an area of the docks.

Pa March

However, the one that has me really excited is the sketch named simply Paranormal.


Paranormal is just a swirling mass of creepy Victorian ghosts. Given how popular ghost stories were during Victorian times, this fits in brilliantly with the world of Infamy and I think that this will be a superb sculpt when it's finished.

Are you going to chip into this Kickstarter?

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