First War Of The Rohirrim Mini Revealed For Middle-earth!

August 29, 2024 by brennon

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Games Workshop showed off plenty during the reveal show this week for Warhammer Age Of Sigmar and Blood Bowl but they also dropped an awesome preview for the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game and the new War Of The Rohirrim-focused edition coming later this year.

Wulf - Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game

Wulf // Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game

Shop Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game @ Store.OnTableTop

After Helm Hammerhand lays the literal smackdown on his father Freca, Wulf swears vengeance against his family and decrees that he will burn Edoras to the ground. This impetuous youth comes with both a foot version and a mounted version as part of the War Of The Rohirim release and the best thing is that this miniature is plastic

Wulf Mounted - Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game

Wulf (Mounted) // Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game

I really like that the design team has managed to capture the dynamism of the character from the War Of The Rohirrim anime but also tie the miniature into the aesthetic of the rest of the Middle-earth range. The character works well with the look and feel of other plastic miniatures that we've had over the past few years.

The character comes with the ability to re-roll a single d6 during Duel Rolls and he can re-roll Wound rolls of a one against enemy Heroes. This makes him a fearsome leader for you to add to your Dunlending forces.

With this character being a brand new plastic figure, you've got to think that we're going to see some new plastic infantry (and cavalry) to go along with him. Surely it's finally time for that proper update to the range?!

Are you going to be scooping up Wulf and War Of The Rohirrim?

"...and the best thing is that this miniature is plastic"

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