Dungeons & Monsters 3D Printing Now On Humble Bundle

October 29, 2021 by fcostin

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It's Free again, coming atcha like Cleopatra (or like Gerry...), with the best tabletop goodies lurking on Humble Bundle. And this week, I have found you lucky souls out there who have 3D printers a cheeky little bargain.

The Dungeons and Monsters 3D Printing Bundle is now live on Humble Bundle, and your technically minded people can download yourself a 120 item bundle including terrain, busts, monsters, NPCs, scatter and so much more for as little as £18.10.

Dunegon Monsters - Image One

Dungeons & Monsters 3D Printable Tabletop Bundle // Humble Bundle

You could quite literally build your own fantasy world with the items that are included in the bundle. With $1018 dollars worth of files inside the bundle, pledges can choose to pay less so if they like. Just in case they wanted a few less files, might be a good year before you can successfully print all of them off!

Not only does the whole 3D Printed Bundle cost you at least 18.10, but the initial purchase on Humble Bundle will provide support to both Cancer Research UK and Make-A-Wish®.

If you are new to the whole Humble Bundle platform, users are offered a chance to pay whatever they feel they want to pay for the bundle. As not all money goes to Humble Bundle, money goes to the creator and towards a charity picked by the creative geniuses behind the campaign. It is never a clear cut 50/50, you can really choose where your money goes and pay however much you want for it, but for this campaign - starting for as low as £18.10.

Feeling tempted by 3D Printing recently? We have no idea why, nothing to do with the 3D Printing section on The Weekender or the recent developments with John and Justin progressing into the world of 3D printing...

"With $1018 dollars worth of files inside the bundle, pledges can choose to pay less so if they like..."

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