Must Have Dragon Life Counter On Pre-Order From Ultra PRO
December 18, 2015 by deltagamegirl22
I know what you're thinking - how many life counters does one really need? Or, I already have a life counter. Or, I have an app on my phone for that. All valid points, until you see this one! This lovely dragon counter is part of Ultra PRO's Realms of Havoc series, and allows players to count lives up to 40 with a flip of the counter plate.
This must have counter is available on pre-order right now and will hit the shelves January 31st. Though anyone would look epic using a counter like this, it's practically a requirement for anyone running a dragon deck in their MTG games.
Will you be able to resist the urge to add this dragon to your game play?
"Though anyone would look epic using a counter like this, it's practically a requirement for anyone running a dragon deck in their MTG games..."
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There were similar life counters back in day but with wizard instead of dragon.
I run a Krenko goblin deck with a Voracous Dragon mixed in, so it fits my deck too.