The Doom Angel Descends From The Skies Of Tale Of War

July 23, 2014 by brennon

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Tale of War have released another of their awesome 'Angel' miniatures. See what you think of the Doom Angel who might be based on a certain brilliant video game that came out a while ago...

Doom Angel #1

Doom Angel #2

A very cool miniature that is clearly based on War from Darksiders wouldn't you say? I love the sword, the armour and the hood! I love miniatures with hoods, they are awesome! The one thing about the miniature I don't like are the wings and I would clip those off if it wasn't going to make the miniature look terrible. I just don't think they work well with the rest of the miniature.

I think I would have done the same with their previous Angel as well, based on Death. I have no idea what I'd use this chap for but I would find a use!

What do you think of the Doom Angel?

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