Don’t Miss Blood & Crown Characters From Firelock Games

September 23, 2024 by brennon

Firelock Games recently added some new Medieval miniatures to their collection for those looking to add to their Blood & Crowns armies. You can get a couple of characters, one for the English and one for the French, who are both iconic in their own right.

Edward The Black Prince - Firelock Games

Edward, The Black Prince // Firelock Games

Both of the miniatures from Firelock Games are 28mm and in plastic resin, and might indeed be familiar to those who took part in the Blood & Crowns Kickstarter. Edward Of Woodstock here is shown in his armour, directing his troops into the heart of battle. You could use him to command your troops in snapshots of battles like Crecy, Najera, and Poitiers. Even though it was never really known how he got the moniker of "The Black Prince", he is a serious cool Medieval dude.

Following on from Edward, The Black Prince, we also have the iconic Joan Of Arc.

Joan Of Arc - Firelock Games

Joan Of Arc // Firelock Games

Jehanne la Pucelle (Joan The Maid) is another plastic resin miniature from Firelock representing the legendary Joan Of Arc. She led the French to victories against the English such as at Orléans. She was involved in further battles and was wounded multiple times but continued to keep fighting, preferring her banner to her sword. If you're looking to stick it to the English then this lady might be great for your collection.

Blood & Plunder Paint Set

As well as those two Medieval miniatures, Blood & Plunder fans can also get their hands on a new PRO Acryl Set for painting your pirates!

Blood & Plunder Paint Set - Firelock Games

Blood & Plunder Paint Set // Firelock Games

The set comes with plenty of the base colours you'd need for painting your pirates and the naval forces sent to hunt them down. I quite like sets like this, especially for people starting. They can latch onto a set and use this to get their miniatures painted without having to go around picking up individual paints.

Could you be tempted by the Medieval or the piratical from Firelock Games?

"You can get a couple of characters, one for the English and one for the French..."

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