The Demons Of Rot Lurch Forth From Warp Miniatures

July 1, 2024 by brennon

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Warp Miniatures are continuing their wander through the Realm of Chaos with another set of Demons for you to use in your 32mm Fantasy wargames. This time around, we have the Demons Of Rot spreading their filth throughout the realm.

Demons Of Rot #1 - Warp Miniatures

Baronet Of Rot // Warp Miniatures

This is another of the 3D Printable sets from the folks at Warp Miniatures diving into the Four Flavours Of Demons that they are working on at the moment. The new cohort of demons are led by the Baronet Of Rot who wanders forth on a palanquin of many, many tiny feet. Somewhere a wizard and his travelling companion are missing their luggage. What on earth has it been turned into!

Demons Of Rot #2 - Warp Miniatures

Rotter // Warp Miniatures

As well as the Baronet, we also have the shambling Rotters which wander in his wake. These work very nicely for those wanting to follow the Chaos Gods in their various wargames but I like the nods to the Carnival Of Chaos from Mordheim. All of them have crooked and festering weapons which can infect your enemies after a mere scratch.

Demons Of Rot #3 - Warp Miniatures

Rotter // Warp Miniatures

The set also comes with the Snailbeasts Of Rot which are going to be slowly but surely making their way across the battlefield, spreading their sticky filth in their wake. Warp Miniatures has also mentioned that the Snailbeasts would be great for other miniatures from the wider range to use as mounts.

Demons Of Rot - Warp Miniatures

Demons Of Rot Set // Warp Miniatures

A brilliant range of miniatures from the folks at Warp once again for the month of July. August and September will no doubt bring forth the other two Chaos Gods and their followers. I am very interested to see where Warp go with Wrath being a follower of Khorne myself.

All of these miniatures are available to Patreon backers this month so if you like them, get involved!

What do you make of the Demons Of Rot?

"This time around, we have the Demons Of Rot spreading their filth throughout the realm..."

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