Dark Skies 1942 Arriving On Kickstarter From Resin Horse Games

October 9, 2015 by stvitusdancern

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A new company called Resin Horse Games has taken to Kickstarter to get help funding a new 15mm aerial combat game called, Dark Skies 1942.

Dark Skies

In this game you command one of the six factions, Germany, US, Britain, Soviets, Imperial Japan, and Mercenaries to fight against a race of evil creatures to save humanity. The game is what they are calling dieselpunk set in the WWII universe.






All the "ships" are now flying and the rules allow for you to fight in "3D" on the tabletop. The flight stands of the fighters are adjustable at four different flight levels to simulate dog fighting. Some of the ships are quite large, take for an example the US Enterprise Light (?) carrier: it is over a 12 inches long! It is indefinably a different twist on WWII alternate universe.

Black Filt

There is not much on game play at this moment, other than it will use 10 sided die, and the base shape and angles indicate line of sight. It will be interesting to see how the project does, as I will be watching the development of the game.


They have also announced that they have reached an agreement with Plast Craft Games to create some terrain for the game.  On a side note, they might want to rethink the name of the US Light Destroyer named Arizona.

Does alternate universe WWII aerial game interest you?

"The game is what they are calling dieselpunk set in the WWII universe..."

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