Cú Chulainn Joins Lucid Eye’s Jim FitzPatrick Collection

September 17, 2024 by brennon

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Lucid Eye has added a brand new Jim FitzPatrick miniature to their range, expanding on Irish myths and legends. This time, we've got one of the big names with a miniature of the mighty Cú Chulainn!

Cu Chulainn - Lucid Eye

Cú Chulainn - Lucid Eye

Cú Chulainn is an iconic Irish warrior hero and demigod who pops up in the Ulster Cycle but also finds himself in Scottish and Manx folklore. He did many great deeds throughout his life including slaying the Hound of Culain and defending Ulster single-handedly against the armies of queen Medb of Connacht in the famous Táin Bó Cúailnge. You can find out more about him HERE.

This fearsome warrior is now available from Lucid Eye based on the artwork by famed artist, Jim FitzPatrick.

Cu Chulainn Collectible Miniature - Lucid Eye

Cú Chulainn Collectible Miniature // Lucid Eye

What's neat is that the rest of the Jim FitzPatrick range is also available on sale to celebrate the addition of Cú Chulainn to the collection.

Jim Fitzpatrick Collection - Lucid Eye

Jim FitzPatrick Collection // Lucid Eye

You can get your hands on a lot of iconic heroes and villains from Irish myth and legend. When you've assembled these together, you've got the makings of a great army for use on the tabletop or maybe a skirmish warband.

Could you be tempted to scoop up this new miniature or perhaps some of the older miniatures you didn't get when they were originally released?

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"Cú Chulainn is an iconic Irish warrior hero and demigod..."

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